Monday, November 5, 2007

Dress Rehearsal

All set. The show is ready. This afternoon Tris vacuumed every inch of the stage and wings so scenery will roll unobstructed. Then he used a long-handled magnet to get up every screw and stapple so that dancers won't cut their feet.

We are good to go...!

Tonight we had an awesome Dress Rehearsal with the full 21 piece orchestra, the new sound system, the new followspots, plus all the colorful costumes. It looked and sounded fantastic! Two more Dress Rehearsals to clean up the little details, and we will be more than ready for opening night on Thursday.

Full dress rehearsals give the Lighting Designer, Mr. Lowell, a chance to see the cues in action and see where spotlights are inadvertantly hitting curtains and borders.

Jerry, as Sir Edward, greets Anna in the palace. The actors got a good chance to practice with wireless mikes and the full orchestra.

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