Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hanging the Lights

The spotlights are going up!

Mr. Lowell wears many hats. For the past two weeks he has had to take breaks from being the Set Designer in order to find time to be the Lighting Designer as well. Since the set is rather sparse for "The King and I", Mr. Lowell has had to put extra color into the lighting design in order to "paint the stage" and illuminate the wonderful costumes.

This show will use 105 of the 750 watt Source4 Elipsoidal Spotlights for front light, color washes, and special pools. Then 12 750 watt Parnels and 24 500 watt Fresnels for backlight, 17 1000 watt floodlights called scoops for lighting the 7 backdrops, plus our 21 1000 watt cyc lights will be moved to the orchestra pit to act as footlights. All totalled, we will use 150,000 watts of light, plus our 2 new 1600 watt Xenon Super Trouper Followspots.
James Lewis, Mr. Lowell's Technical Assistant, helps hang and focus some of the spotlights on the "first electric" position at the front of the stage.

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